Friday, June 25, 2010


Almost finished with sound on the Lou the Frog cartoon, shooting a live action comedy short (with composited animation) next week, thumbing out a new really short short, hoping to get vocal records done for a longer animatic that I'm working on with cartoon all-star John Martinez that hopefully I'll get some help animating from the rest of the Toonhooligans, and gearing up to start penciling comics again. Gotta put pictures with this crap so here.

Sorry I haven't been posting more. I still love you.


tek! said...

somewhere on this planet someone is really busy!
i can't wait to see all these upcomming projects

Kirun said...

its great to see someone working so hard!
It motivates people like me to work hard too

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! I really wanna see this short finished, and the live-action one too. It looks exciting (it's probably one of the most exciting animation-related projects I've seen this year, along with Andrew Chesworth's Palm Springs commercial 2010 hasn't been that great of a year for animation, so it's great to see talented people like you working hard on their own cartoons). Maybe when you're done with it, you could consider pitching it somewhere like to a studio or a network or doing something like what Bill Plympton does with his shorts.

david said...

ahhahaah awesome lighting and cool design! KICKING ASSSS

Mike Moloney said...

damn dude this still looks awesome