Tuesday, June 2, 2009

cintiq eyes.

married to cintiqs since friday. my eyes hurt and i'm tired as balls so i wanted to take a 15 minute break from drawing to draw something not on a luminous screen. okay, back to work.


david said...

hahahahahahah hilarious!

Bob Flynn said...


I have to say, I finally had the chance to take a Cintiq for a spin—and I didn't like it that much. Maybe its just because its one more step towards digital wiping out traditional.

But yeah, sitting and leaning way too close to screen all day...Bad for posture and eyes, I would think. I've grown so accustomed to the regular tablets that its a very natural way for me to draw. And it feels like "computer" drawing.

There's definitely something really special (and absurdly simple) about drawing on paper.

Benjamin Arcand said...

haha! Great drawing.

Jimbo said...

So that's how you spell Cintiq! I was giving it a "ue" at the end. Thanks for that Chris Dude. They have me on the Cintiq - the infernal machine. But I am learning to like it, like waterboarding, cousin.

Vincent Waller said...

I've had those eyes brother!

Mike Moloney said...

haha ya i can relate to that picture

Anonymous said...

I just got a Wacom Intuos4 tablet, same thing happened to me. This drawing is hilarious!