Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lighting Test.

Gotta get the party rockin.

Uns uns uns uns uns wah wumb wumb wumb wbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwb wumb wumb wumb


tek! said...

looks totally convincing to me.
good one! uns uns uns uns yourself!

David Martingale said...

That's really cool!

Ryan Green said...


Will Finn said...

I'm having an epiletic seizure of cartoon euphoria...

(could be the tequila...)

Benjamin Arcand said...

NICE NICE! The party is on. :D

Ted Blackman said...

That looks bitchen. how do you do that???

chrisallison said...

Thanks guys!

Ted: I'm using flash to animate the lighting. I drew light patterns and I'm just popping the opacity up and down.