Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cannibal Holocaust.

Sketched these while watching. The movie was kinda disappointing because people hyped it up too much.

And everyone check out my pal AARON PAETZ! He's posting again


Kevin Langley said...

Ugh! That movie blows. It just mindless. I had the same reaction when I first saw it. I don't know if it turns my stomach because of the gore or 'cause it just sucks. Cool drawings though.

chrisallison said...

Yeah Kevin. Animals were definitely harmed in the making of this film.

It's just that the pacing was so slow. The gore was pretty mediocre. Couple that with high expectations and it really was terrible for me. I mean, I really like campy, gorey films, but this was just a HUGE letdown.

david said...

hahahhahahahha nice. sucks to hear the movies sucks because i've heard from people it was awesome as well. oh well. whatever. cult poo.

Anonymous said...

While Kevin's right about it being mindless, it's not the most mindlessly bloody movie I've ever seen. No, that's a little oddity called "Flower of Flesh and Blood".

Oh, and great drawings!

chrisallison said...

JM: Okay, the search for Flower of Flesh and Blood is on!

Benjamin Arcand said...

Wow! Those drawings are marvelous Chris.

I hated Cannibal Holocaust! Seriously, I never understood what people liked in that movie.

Unknown said...

Disappointed! I have that movie sitting around waiting to be watched. Now I'm not as excited. Still gotta watch it, though.